Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Error Updating Norton Ghost

Since I hadn't ever updated Norton Ghost since I originally installed it, I thought it would be a good idea to see if there were any updates for it. Norton Ghost comes with the Norton Live Update utility, which I ran. It told me that there were indeed updates for it, so I told it to go ahead and update it. After the updater ran for awhile, I eventually got this error:

Fatal error during installation.

Nice. How informative. At this point, Ghost is UNINSTALLED, and needs to be reinstalled from the media. You would think that with all the ridicule vendors get from The Daily WTF and similar sites, the developers would know better than to give a message like this. I tried installing several times without any luck.

One day, by accident, I had forgotten and left the original install CD in the drive and ran Live Update again. I noticed that the updater was spinning up the CD drive and reading from it. This time, the updater completed successfully.

Lesson learned: The Norton Ghost updater wants the original media in the drive during the upgrade.

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